Saturday, September 5, 2009

Breadfruit and Its Uses

Breadfruit trees grow to a height of sixty to eighty (60-80) feet with a clear trunk to 16ft, becoming three to six (3-6) feet in width. It has many spreading branches, some thick with lateral bearing branches and others long and slender with foliage clustered at their tips.

The leaves, evergreen or deciduous depending on climatic conditions are bright green and somewhat glossy on the upper surface, a dull green on the underside with conspicuous yellow veins. Its ovate shape spans with a nine to twenty four (9-24) inches long, eight to sixteen (8-16) inches wide base that more or less deeply cuts into seven to eleven (7-11) pointed lobes.

These leaves when withered or going dry fall to the ground. They are raked into heaps and burned, preventing a breeding ground for mosquitoes when it rains.

This high yielding fruit plant produces two to three hundred fruits in a season. However, most breadfruit varieties also produce a small number of fruits throughout the year; so fresh breadfruits are also available, but occasionally rare when not in season. These fruits are bright green in color when young, with tiny hexagons carved all over it. When ripe, they have a dull green color. They are beautiful to see and hold.

Breadfruit is an all purpose fruit. It is a stable food in many tropical regions. They are rich in starch and before being eaten, they are numerous ways you can prepare a variety of dishes from these fruits.

When parboil, they can be stored in zip lock bags and frozen for future use. In addition it can be cooked, crushed and stirred to make breadfruit Coo-coo, a variation of shepherd's pie, breadfruit casserole and more depending on the ingredients you use. On weekends, throughout many countries in the West Indies breadfruit is the first choice dish when cooked and served with pudding and souse.

There is a variety of ways in making soup. However, breadfruit is an excellent choice in adding to the ingredients in making your soup. Oh! it is delicious,try it sometime.

Whole fruits can be roasted over an open fire. When it is almost finish, core it and fill with onion, seasoning, butter (or edible oil) optional, sugar and or coconut milk. Let the fruit finish cooking for ten to fifteen (10-15) minutes, peel and serve.

This web site is design to give our readers a clear understanding in the many ways in which they can use this excellent and satisfying dish. I hope this article at least provides some motivation in helping you in all your endeavors.

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